Afficher les pilotes Réseau/HBA utilisé
Display the 10 biggest directories in the current working directory
du -a | sort -n -r | head -n 10
Display the 10 biggest directories in the current working directory (Human readable)
du -hs * | sort -rh | head -n 10
Trouver un fichier a partir du dossier actuel
find . | grep nom_du_fichier
find . -iname nom_du_fichier
Afficher l'espace utilisé par les fichiers ou dossiers:
du -h
(disk usage)
du -h -d 1
(Permet de se limiter a un sous dossier)
Chercher dans less
Cherche vers le bas
Cherche vers le haut
recherche suivante
recherche precedente
Installer seulement Cinnamon:
apt-get update && apt-get install cinnamon cinnamon-l10n
Installer Cinnamon + muffin et zenity
apt-get update && apt-get install cinnamon-core cinnamon-l10n
Installer Cinnamon + common desktop softwares
apt-get update && apt-get install cinnamon-desktop-environment cinnamon-l10n
To kill the service you have to know its PID or Process ID. To find this just type the following in at a command prompt:
sc queryex servicename
Replace "servicename" with the services registry name. For example: Print Spooler is spooler.
Identify the PID
After running the query you will by presented with a list of details. You will want to locate the PID. (Highlighted)
Run the Taskkill command
Now that you have the PID, you can run the following command to kill the hung process:
taskkill /f /pid [PID]
This will force kill the hung service. Exemple:
Taskkill /IM vpxd.exe /F