Installer seulement Cinnamon:

apt-get update && apt-get install cinnamon cinnamon-l10n

Installer Cinnamon + muffin et zenity

apt-get update && apt-get install cinnamon-core cinnamon-l10n

Installer Cinnamon + common desktop softwares

apt-get update && apt-get install cinnamon-desktop-environment cinnamon-l10n

Muffin is a small window manager performing compositing as well based on GTK+ and Clutter and used in desktop environment such as Cinnamon.
It is fairly extensible by the mean of plugins, providing new or customized visual effects as well as a flexibility in the behavior of the window manager.
This package contains the core binaries.

Zenity allows you to display GTK+ dialogs from shell scripts; it is a rewrite of the `gdialog’ command from GNOME 1.
Zenity includes a gdialog wrapper script so that it can be used with legacy scripts.

Cinnamon desktop environment:
These are the extended components of Cinnamon, a desktop environment which provides advanced innovative features and a traditional user experience.
This metapackage depends on all programs needed to have a fully fledged desktop environment.

The package contains the translation files for all the Cinnamon packages.

These are the core components of Cinnamon, a desktop environment which provides advanced innovative features and a traditional user experience.
This metapackage depends on basic components needed to use the desktop environment

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