Changer de vue:
c = cpu
m = memory
n = network
i = interrupts
d = disk adapter
u = disk device
v = disk VM
p = power mgmt
x = vsan
V = only show virtual machine worlds
e = Expand/Rollup CPU statistics, show details of all worlds associated with group (GID)
k = kill world, for tech support purposes only!
l = limit display to a single group (GID), enables you to focus on one VM
# = limiting the number of entitites, for instance the top 5
2 = highlight a row, moving down
8 = highlight a row, moving up
4 = remove selected row from view
e = statistics broken down per world
6 = statistics broken down per world
Ajouter / Supprimer des champs:
Changer l'ordre:
Source: ESXTOP
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